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Version: 2.x

Upgrading to V2

We're excited to announce the release of ZenStack V2 🎉!

While V1 focused on implementing an access control layer around Prisma, V2 is more ambitious and desires to solve some deeper problems in modeling a database-centric application while continuing to improve the overall developer experience.

This document outlines the first batch of new features, together with breaking changes and upgrade instructions. More goodies will land in the future V2 series releases. Enjoy, and please share your feedback!

What's New​

1. Polymorphic Relations​

Polymorphic relations allows you to model relations over an "abstract interface". This feature is inspired by the following Prisma issues:

See the Polymorphic Relations recipe for more information.

2. Using auth() in @default()​

You can now use the auth() function inside the @default() attribute. A very common use case is to automatically assign foreign key field when creating entities with relation with the current user. In ZenStack V1, you needed to explicitly assign foreign key value even though the enhanced PrismaClient already implies a current user:

model User {
id Int @default(autoincrement())

model Post {
id Int @default(autoincrement())
title String
owner User @relation(fields: [ownerId], references: [id])
ownerId Int
const db = enhance(prisma, { user });
data: {
owner: { connect: { id: } },
title: 'Post1'

With this feature, you can update the schema to:

model User {
id Int @default(autoincrement())

model Post {
id Int @default(autoincrement())
title String
owner User @relation(fields: [ownerId], references: [id])
ownerId Int @default(auth().id) // <- assign ownerId automatically

and when creating a Post, you don't need to explicitly connect owner anymore.

const db = enhance(prisma, { user });
await{ data: { title: 'Post1' } });

3. Fine-grained Optimistic Updates​

Previously the ZenStack-generated data query hooks (TanStack Query and SWR) support automatic optimistic updates. When a mutation executes, the hooks analyzes what queries are potentially affected and try to compute an optimistically updated piece of data, and use it to update the query cache. This feature is very useful in many cases, but it can't cover all cases. For example, if you create an entity and connect it to a related entity at the same time, the automatic optimistic logic doesn't know how to compute the relation (if it's used in a related query).

In V2, we introduce a optimisticUpdateProvider callback for the caller to decide how to compute the optimistic data for a mutation, for every query cache entry. Here's how to use it:

optimisticUpdateProvider: ({ queryModel, queryOperation, queryArgs, currentData, mutationArgs }) => {
return { kind: 'Update', data: ... /* computed result */ };

See more information [here]:

The callback is invoked for each query cache entry. You can use the return value to control if to use the optimistic data you computed, skip the update, or leave it to the automatic logic.

4. Prisma-Like Schema Formatting​

We've heard your feedback: the way how Prisma formats the schema code makes it more readable. Now ZenStack's IDE extensions and the CLI format command resemble Prisma's behavior and format fields into a tabular form.

ZModel FormattingZModel Formatting

You can switch back to the old behavior in the extension settings (VSCode only).

5. Edge Runtime Support (Preview)​

We've updated the @zenstackhq/runtime package to be compatible with Vercel Edge Runtime and Cloudflare Workers. See this documentation for more details.

6. Permission Checker API (Preview)​

ZenStack's access policies prevent unauthorized users to query or mutate data. However, there are cases where you simply want to check if an operation is permitted without actually executing it. For example, you might want to show or hide a button based on the user's permission.

The new permission checker API allows to check a user's permission without querying the database.

const db = enhance(prisma, { user: getCurrentUser() });

// check if the current user can read published posts
await canRead = await{
operation: 'read',
where: { published: true }

Please check this guide for more details.


NPM Packages​

To upgrade, update your project's dependencies of zenstack and @zenstackhq/* packages to the @latest tag.

npm i -D zenstack@latest
npm i @zenstackhq/runtime@latest

IDE Extensions​

Please upgrade VSCode extension and JetBrains plugin to the latest version.

Breaking Changes​

The following sections list breaking changes introduced in ZenStack V2 and guide for upgrading your project.

1. ZModel Schema​

  • No more access to declarations from indirectly imported schemas​

    V1 had an unintended behavior that you can access a declaration without importing the ZModel file where it's declared, as long as the schema is indirectly imported.

    The behavior is changed in V2. If you use a declaration from another ZModel, you'll need to explicitly import it.

    Please note that this implies if you use auth() function in access policies, you'll need to import the ZModel where the User model (or the model marked with @@auth) so that auth() can be resolved. If you feel it causes extra imports in too many schema files, please leave your feedback in this GitHub issue.

2. Runtime​

  • Unified enhance API​

    In V1, there were several withXXX APIs (like withPolicy, withOmit, etc.) that help you create enhanced PrismaClient instances with specific enhancements. These APIs are now deprecated and unified to the single enhance API. You can use the kinds option to control what enhancements to apply:

    const db = enhance(prisma, { user }, { kinds: ['policy', 'omit'] })

    By default, all enhancements are enabled.

  • Changes to the enhance API​

    One of the main changes in V2 is that the enhance API is now generated, by default into the node_modules/.zenstack package, together with other supporting modules. The @zenstackhq/runtime/enhance module is simply a reexport of .zenstack/enhance. This change allows us to customize the API of the enhanced PrismaClient based on the enhancements enabled.

    The change also simplifies the way how the enhance API is used when you specify a custom output location (usually for checking in the generated files with the source tree). For example, if you use the "--output" CLI switch to output to "./.zenstack" folder:

    npx zenstack generate --output ./.zenstack

    You can import the enhance API directly from the output location and use it without any other changes:

    import { enhance } from './.zenstack/enhance';

    const db = enhance(...);

    Several options of the enhance API are also removed because they are no more needed:

    • policy
    • modelMeta
    • zodSchemas
    • loadPath

    These options were for guiding ZenStack to load the generated modules from a custom location. They are not needed anymore because the generated enhance API can always load them from relative paths.

    Another major benefit of generating enhance is the user context object is now strongly typed. The CLI statically analyzes the ZModel schema to identify the fields accessed through auth() (including multi-level accesses into relation fields), and use that information to type the user object. This helps you to identify missing or incorrectly typed fields and avoid unexpected runtime behavior.

  • Strict typing for the user context​

    The enhance API now analyzes the fields accessed through auth() in ZModel access policies and use that to derive a strong typed user context. For example, if your ZModel looks like:

    model Post {
    id Int @id
    @@allow('all', auth().role == ADMIN)

    You'll get an compile-time error if you pass an user object without the role field:

    const db = enhance(prisma, { user: { id: userId }}); // <- `role` field is required
  • Prisma version below 5.0.0 is not supported anymore​

    Supporting both Prisma V4 and V5 caused quite some complexities. We decided to require Prisma 5.0.0 and above for ZenStack V2. This also makes it possible to make ZenStack's runtime compatible with Edge environments (TBD).

3. CLI​

  • Removed support of CLI config file​

    The "--config" switch and the "zenstack.config.json" file are removed. They weren't doing anything useful and were only kept in V1 for backward compatibility reasons.

    We may introduce a new config file format in the future.

4. Server Adapter​

  • HTTP status code 422 is used to represent data validation errors​

    In V1, when a data validation error happens (due to violation of rules represented by @email, @length, @@validate etc.), the server adapters used 403 to represent such error. This is changed in V2 to use 422 to align with the HTTP status code definition.

  • The deprecated useSuperJSON initialization options is removed​

    The server adapters always use SuperJSON for serialization and deserialization.

5. Plugins​


All plugins now automatically clean up the output directory before generating new files. Please make sure not to mix manually created files with the generated ones to to avoid data loss.

5.1 Zod Plugin​

  • Changes to the optionality of [Model]Schema schema​

    In V1, the generated [Model]Schema schema has all fields marked optional. This is changed in V2 to respect the optionality of fields as they are declared in ZModel.

5.2. SWR Plugin​

  • Legacy mutation functions are removed​

    In V1, the SWR plugin used to generate a set of legacy mutation functions via the useMutate[Model] hook. These functions (together with the hook) are removed in V2. You should use the individual mutation hooks instead.

    Old code:

    import { useMutatePost } from '@lib/hooks';

    const { createPost } = useMutatePost();
    await createPost({ data: {...} });

    New code:

    import { useCreatePost } from '@lib/hooks';

    const { trigger: createPost, isMutating } = useCreatePost();
    await createPost({ data: {...} })
  • The initialData query option is removed​

    Use the fallbackData option instead.

5.3. TanStack Query Plugin​

  • Default target version is now "v5".​

    In V1 the default target version was TanStack Query V4.

  • Generated hooks got simplified parameters​

    The query and mutation hooks generated in V1 had a few parameters like invalidateQueries and optimisticUpdate. These parameters are merged into the options parameter. The options parameter is used for configuring both tanstack-query and the additional behavior of ZenStack.

    Old code:

    { where: { ... } }, /* query args */
    undefined, /* tanstack-query options */
    false /* opt-out optimistic update*/

    undefined /* tanstack-query options */,
    false, /* whether to automatically invalidate related queries */
    true /* whether to optimistically update related queries */

    New code:

    useFindManyPost({ where: { ... } }, { optimisticUpdate: false });

    useCreatePost({ invalidateQueries: false, optimisticUpdate: true });
Feel free to ask questions, give feedback, or report issues.

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